When you purchase a home, it can feel like a dream come true. But, as with any major purchase, there is always the potential for unexpected repairs and expenses. One of the most common problems that homeowners face is a broken sewer line. Knowing who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of a sewer line can help you avoid costly surprises down the road. Let’s take a look at who pays for what in the case of a broken sewer line.
The Homeowner’s Responsibility
The homeowner is generally responsible for all repairs and maintenance related to pipes that are located inside their home, including those that lead to sewer lines. This includes kitchen, bathroom, and laundry pipes. In some cases, these pipes may be located outside of the walls of your home but still considered to be under your responsibility. If you experience an issue with one of these interior pipes, you will be responsible for the cost of repairs and maintenance.
The City’s Responsibility
In most cases, if there is an issue with the sewer line itself—which runs from your home to the city’s main sewage system—the city will be responsible for repairs and maintenance costs. This is because all public sewers are owned by local governments (or municipal utilities). If you experience an issue with your sewer line or notice that it has been damaged or blocked due to tree roots or other debris, contact your local municipality before attempting any repairs yourself.
Private Sewer Lines
If you have purchased property that was previously used as farmland or rural land then there may be private lines connecting your property’s plumbing system to a septic tank or another sewage source (such as a nearby body of water). If this is the case then these private lines will not be maintained by the city and thus any issues or damages would need to be repaired by you at your own expense. It’s important to check whether any such lines exist prior to purchasing property so that you know what kind of repair costs and responsibilities you may face in the future. In some cases, there is a shared responsibility that you need to be fully aware of before purchasing a new property.

Many times in rural areas you’re actually on a septic tank and not connected to a municipal sewer system.
What Is A Shared Sewer Line?
A shared sewer line is one that serves more than one property. It is typically used when multiple homes are connected or if the main sewage system is too far away from the property. In these cases, two or more properties will share the same sewage line. This can be beneficial because it reduces the cost of installation and maintenance of these systems. However, it also means that all parties involved must be aware of their responsibilities and liabilities in regards to the shared line.
Who Is Responsible For The Shared Sewer Line?
The responsibility for a shared sewer line usually falls on each individual homeowner, rather than on the municipality or local government. Each homeowner has an obligation to keep their portion of the line clean and well maintained so that it does not cause any damage or backups on other properties served by the same line. Homeowners should also keep in mind that they may be liable for any damage caused by their portion of the pipe due to negligence or lack of maintenance.
How Can You Ensure Your Portion Of The Shared Sewer Line Is Safe?
The best way to make sure your portion of the shared sewer line remains safe is by having regular inspections done by professionals who can identify any damage or blockages that could cause problems down the road. Having an inspection done once every few years will help ensure that your portion of the pipe remains in good condition and reduce your risk of liability if something were to happen with another property’s portion of the pipe. Additionally, homeowners should keep trees and shrubs away from their sewer lines as roots can grow into pipes over time, causing blockages and other issues with drainage.
Being aware of who is responsible for repairing damaged sewers can help save time and money when unexpected issues arise after buying a new home here in Birmingham Alabama—or anywhere else! In most cases, if there is an issue with the actual sewer line itself (the pipe leading from your house to the city’s main sewage system) then it will likely fall on the city’s shoulders to handle repairs and maintenance costs; however, if there are private lines connecting your plumbing system to another sewage source then these would not be maintained by anyone other than yourself at your own expense should they need repairing in future years. Being aware ahead of time can help prepare homeowners should they ever find themselves needing this type of repair work done on their properties!